Prevalence, Knowledge and Risk Factors for Postpartum Depression in Western Nepal - A Cross-Sectional Study

  • Sapana Karki school of health and allied science, pokhara university, Nepal
  • Shila Gurung school of health and allied science, pokhara university, Nepal
Keywords: EPDS, Nepal, Post-partum depression, Postnatal care


Background: Postpartum depression(PPD)can be defined as nonpsychotic
depression occurring within a year after childbirth, characterized
by low mood, unusual thoughts, feeling of guilt, unexplained anxiety,
worthlessness, and other depressive symptoms. Objective: This study
aims to assess the prevalence, knowledge and risk factors of postpartum
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted among
217 postpartum mothers in the outpatient department of psychiatry
of a tertiary care hospital using the Edinburgh postnatal depression
scale(EPDS). All the patients enrolled were directly interviewed using
a structured questionnaire to identify the associated risk factors of
postpartum depression. The data collected were checked for validity and
analyzed using S.P.S. version 16.0.
Results: Out of 217 patients, five women were found to have an
EPDS(Edinburgh postnatal depression scale) score greater than 10.
The prevalence of postpartum depression was found to be 2.3%.Upon
evaluation of knowledge about postpartum depression, 90.3% of women
were found to have a poor level of knowledge and 8.8% had a good
knowledge level. The statistically significant factors associated with
postpartum depression were the lack of support from family and partners
Conclusion: There was a comparatively low prevalence of P.P.D. in Western
Nepal. Majority of the mothers (90.3%) were found not aware of P.P.D.
The present study concluded on the need for educational intervention
among the mothers regarding P.P.D. in Western Nepal.

How to Cite
Karki, S., & Gurung, S. (2021). Prevalence, Knowledge and Risk Factors for Postpartum Depression in Western Nepal - A Cross-Sectional Study. Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences, 3(1), 18-23. Retrieved from
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